Formula Guide

prop("Deadline") prop("Done") ★ DoneDue TodayOverdueDue Tomorrow This week and find day of week » Upcoming and number of days ‡›Archive (?# If the deadline is BEFORE YESTERDAY and task is DONE return "Archive") if(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "days") < -1 and prop("Done") == true, "‡›Archive", (?# If the task is DONE then return "★ Done") if(prop("Done") == true, "★ Done", (?# If the deadline is TODAY then return "⇧ Due Today") if(formatDate(now(), "MMM D, YYYY") == formatDate(prop("Deadline"), "MMM D, YYYY"), "⇧ Due Today",

(?# If the deadline is IN THE PAST then return "⌫ Overdue") if(prop("Deadline") < now(), "⌫ Overdue", (?# If the deadline is TOMORROW then return "⌦ Due Tomorrow") if(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "days") == 0, "⌦ Due Tomorrow", (?# If the deadline is WITHIN THE NEXT WEEK then return "∆ Due On ... and find day of week") if(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "days") > 0 and dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "days") <= 5, "∆ Due On " + formatDate(prop("Deadline"), "dddd"), (?# If the deadline is ONE WEEK AHEAD then return "∆ Due Next ... and find day of week") if(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "days") == 6, "∆ Due Next " + formatDate(prop("Deadline"), "dddd"), (?# FALSE CONDITION: If the deadline is > 1 WEEK AHEAD then return "» Upcoming")

"» Upcoming in " + format(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "days") + 1) + " days")