
Life-Learning And Thoughts On Roam Research

Apr 12, 2020 08:38 PM
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Hi, Hello! My name is Sarah - the writer behind redgregory.com.
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Learn With Career In Mind Or Enrichment?

Acquiring knowledge in adult life falls into two camps: (i) personal growth and (ii) work growth. Comparatively to student life, these two positions are interdependent relative to what the individual desires and what society desires for the individual. One does not stand alone because without expected growth, a purpose for individual growth is dim. What I mean is, without a bar set for academic achievement, promotion opportunities or business success, the desire to learn new material is less enriching and more laborious over time.
There is a romantic picture of adult learning - an optimistic one. It requires quite a privileged stance, a financially stable stipulation, retired on a beach, a wealth of information already consumed from institutions, uncomplicated and intellectually challenging experiences, healthy relationships, etc.
Another goes something like this. A young parent without higher education looking to acquire skills to make more money, feed her family, and so, acquire the same opportunity to learn in a peaceful environment whereby self-enrichment is a major position.
Career learning can lean entirely mechanical and personal learning entirely frivolous (and everywhere in between). Success does not stem from strategy alone. Passion comes first. Successful people are successful because other people believe them to be - they trust the passion. It is obvious when business leads with strategy, they lack substance. Their success is short-lived as a result.

I'm Using Roam Research - A Tagging Dream

Metacognitive learning is absolutely essential in my life right now and Roam is really helping me out. Using Roam Research and Notion in tandem has boosted mental clarity and workload production. I highly recommend giving it a shot. In short, the program allows for connective thought systems in the form of a wiki. Its tagging capability is what blows my mind. The vast nature of the tagging system can get a bit confusing but essentially, every “tag” is another way to create a page. In turn, those tags will automatically search for every instance the tag is used in every database.
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My Mood This Week

I'm planning to track my mood through the entire year in order to better understand what is making my poor days poor and what I need to do to fix them - hence, the "cause" property.
  • Negative (2/7)
  • Positive (5/7)

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