To Add (From Tutorial 👆 link above)
"🐶" + if(day(prop("Date")) != 0 and day(prop("Date")) != 6, " 🏢", "") + if(day(prop("Date")) == 1 or day(prop("Date")) == 2 or day(prop("Date")) == 5, " 🏋️", "")
"Take Dogs Out" + if(day(prop("Date")) != 0 and day(prop("Date")) != 6, "\nGo To Work", "") + if(day(prop("Date")) == 1 or day(prop("Date")) == 2 or day(prop("Date")) == 5, "\nWorkout", "")
formatDate(prop("Date"), "MMMM YYYY")
if(month(prop("Date")) == 5 and date(prop("Date")) == 20, "My Birthday", if(month(prop("Date")) == 5 and date(prop("Date")) == 25, "Billie's Birthday", if(month(prop("Date")) == 5 and date(prop("Date")) == 1 and year(prop("Date")) == 2022, "Major Holiday", " ")))
formatDate(prop("Date"), "W") == formatDate(now(), "W")
My Daily Journal