Hi, Hello! My name is Sarah - the writer behind redgregory.com.
Incredible! 100 subscribers to the Red Gregory newsletter! What a milestone. I'm beyond proud of everything that's gone into this little blog despite the growth and changes I still want to make going forward. The past few months have had its ups and downs personally, but keeping up with Red Gregory maintenance daily has given me some great purpose. I'm excited to keep making Notion/productivity/learning content for the foreseeable future and I'm thrilled to have 100+ readers along for the journey. Thank you for being a reader :)
Upcoming Week's Goal: What Is My Preferred Reading Method?
This week I'm going to better my reading skills with the help of a little experiment I set up inside Notion and these four nonfiction books:
Book Experiment
A little background, at the start of 2020 I set a goal to read 100 books by the end of the year. I've read 3 ... and it's May, which is alarming, but that isn't really why I'm doing this. In 2018 I set a similar goal of 75 books and actually achieved it. I'm not worried that I can't read a lot of books. I'm worried more so that I'm not retaining the information in any way whatsoever.
For example, I readĀ The Summer of 1787Ā at the end of last year I believe, or maybe January. I read it and I enjoyed it. I know this because I wrote publically how much I enjoyed it. But ... um ... I don't remember a single word. I even skimmed through to jog my memory... nothing. Now, a book about the creation of the American constitution isn't new information, generally. I mostly found it really insightful and drew a lot of parallels to the situation and mess America is in now.
When I go to read it again for this experiment, I'm going to start jotting these insights down and give myself a little test after each reading session to assess my focus, enthusiam and comprehension.
The Methods
- Shoe Dog:: Insight Collecting ā Read the book at my own pace with no designated breaks but with sole intention of recording insightful or interesting passages I want to read up on further. Assess after every chapter.
- The Summer of 1787:: Pomodoro (25 min, 5 min break). No notes. Assess after every session.
- The Return of Depression Economics:: Active summarizing ā summarize (1-3 sentences) after ever chapter. No notes. Assess after every chapter.
- Yuwipi:: Intense critical (or active) reading. Lots of notes. Asses after every chapter.
Results I want to find
I don't necessarily want to find theĀ perfectĀ reading method. I merely want to know which one I enjoy most and which one I retain the most from. One reading method can never be used for every type of book. This experiment may let me know whatĀ typesĀ of nonfiction I should focus my reading list on for the rest of the year. Yes, I still want to hit 100 books. Wish me luck.
Published This Week
Red Gregory
My Mood Last Week
I'm planning to track my mood through the entire year in order to better understand what is making my poor days poor and what I need to do to fix them - hence, the "cause" property.
I would classify this week as HAPPY.
- BEST DAY: Wednesday, May 20th
- WORST DAY: Sunday, May 24th
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