I suggest using a Save to Notion form to save new items to this database
📦 Track Packages
Online Shopping
Progress Formula
if(prop("Delivered"), "Delivered", if(prop("Purchased") and empty(prop("est. Arrival Date")), "Fill in arrival date", if(formatDate(start(prop("est. Arrival Date")), "MMM DD, YYYY") == formatDate(now(), "MMM DD, YYYY") or formatDate(end(prop("est. Arrival Date")), "MMM DD, YYYY") == formatDate(now(), "MMM DD, YYYY") or now() < end(prop("est. Arrival Date")) and now() > start(prop("est. Arrival Date")), "Arriving Soon", if(end(prop("est. Arrival Date")) < now(), "Should have arrived about " + format(dateBetween(now(), end(prop("est. Arrival Date")), "days")) + " day(s) ago", if(dateBetween(start(prop("est. Arrival Date")), now(), "days") >= 0, "Arriving in about " + format(dateBetween(start(prop("est. Arrival Date")), now(), "days") + 1) + " day(s)", "")))))
Brand Formula
"✂️ " + replace(replace(replace(prop("URL"), "https://", ""), ".*www.", ""), ".com.*", "")