If a task is overdue, push the due date in Notion to today, and show the new due date in a calendar. If the task is not overdue or complete, show the original due date. We also explore how to see this new date formula in a calendar view. Calendars can only see one date at a time so it is important to join all dates you want to see into one Notion formula. Here is how it works.
if(prop("Done") == false and prop("Due Date") < now(), dateAdd(prop("Due Date"), dateBetween(now(), prop("Due Date"), "days"), "days"), prop("Due Date"))
if(not empty(prop("Due Date")), if(prop("Done"), "β Complete", if(formatDate(prop("Due Date"), "L") == formatDate(now(), "L"), "π§ Due Today", if(prop("Due Date") < now() and prop("Done") == false, "β Overdue", "π Due Later"))), "")
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