Hi, Hello! My name is Sarah - the writer behind redgregory.com.
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150+ black, blue and dark-mode-compatible Notion icons to add to your workspace. I wanted to create a collection of icons for myself and figured I could share them too! Available in three colors (Black, Blue, Light Gray)
What I've Been Working On
I'm very excited to share my second shop item! 150+ bold icons to add to your workspace for $5. Initially I made these icons for myself, but figured I could clean them up and share them with you guys. It took me a handful of days to package, so my content was pushed a bit, but I'm happy to release these icons and get back to work making Notion tutorials and Roam content too!
I've been working on my ancestry research inside Roam using Roam42 smartblocks and other interesting extensions. My goal is to release a big video exploring that workflow from top down.