Video Tutorial
Not Complete?
Deadline Coming Up?
Today and Past Days
Past Due
Past Due/Done
- Not Complete?: is task not complete, true or false? →
not empty(prop("Complete"))
- Deadline Coming Up?: is deadline within the next 5 days, true or false? →
(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "days") < 6) ? true : false
- Today?: is deadline today, true or false? →
formatDate(prop("Deadline"), "MMM DD, YYYY") == formatDate(now(), "MMM DD, YYYY")
- Today and Past Days: is deadline today or past, true or false? →
dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "days") <= -1 or formatDate(prop("Deadline"), "MMM DD, YYYY") == formatDate(now(), "MMM DD, YYYY")
- Past Due: if deadline is past and not complete, return warning emoji →
(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "days") < 0 and empty(prop("Complete"))) ? "😡Past Due" : ""
- Pasty Due/Done: if deadline is past and not complete, return warning emoji or if deadline is past and done, return positive emoji→
if(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "days") < 0 and empty(prop("Complete")), "😡Past Due", if(dateBetween(prop("Deadline"), now(), "days") <= -1 or formatDate(prop("Deadline"), "MMM DD, YYYY") == formatDate(now(), "MMM DD, YYYY") and not empty(prop("Complete")), "✅Done", ""))
- Repeat: if complete, return next date to complete weekly and monthly tasks →
if(not empty(prop("Complete")) and prop("Recurring") == "Weekly", format(dateAdd(prop("Deadline"), 7, "days")), if(not empty(prop("Complete")) and prop("Recurring") == "Monthly", format(dateAdd(prop("Deadline"), 1, "months")), if(not empty(prop("Complete")) and prop("Recurring") == "Daily", format(dateAdd(prop("Deadline"), 1, "days")), "")))