
Content Creation For Unique Understanding

Apr 20, 2020 12:32 AM
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Hi, Hello! My name is Sarah - the writer behind redgregory.com.
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Building Output Strategies

Read more articles like this in the coming weeks over at my research-focused variety blog. Might as well keep writing during this weird time. By the way, I'm having a blast making content. I feel like I've finally achieved a balanced productivity rythmn.

Content Creation Allows For Unique Understanding

This strategy is seemingly static but can allow for self-evaluation and growth through pure consistency.
Just as input and control of knowledge are important to master through knowledge systems, the output is even more so. Without retaining knowledge, learning is null. The process of creating or teaching information can trigger retention in the same way self-assessing, flashcards or quizzing can. Of course, if your personality or individual learning style finds flashcards not effective or effective enough. There is no tried and true retention method for everyone.
As for me, I'm a firm believer in creating content.There are two broad avenues for content creation as a learning output:
  • Public content: this is pressure-induced to keep your knowledge accurate, and public output also forces you to make certain you can present the new knowledge well.
  • Private content: this is less anxiety-ridden and there's more room to make errors, however, there is less motivation to keep up with private content without some kind of feedback loop.

Build Datasets and Create Problems to Solve

This strategy allows for self-regulation and a creative retention method
A less daunting output strategy than content creation is dataset building. This requires a spreadsheet software and/or database program like Notion or Roam Research.
What is a dataset? A dataset is information compartmentalized into its simplest forms. It Breaks knowledge into bold headlines, tagging key concepts briefly under those headlines, and further, connecting those concepts under different headlines to build an accessible, ever-changing directory of info. And when organized correctly, a personal database can become a valuable resource for revisiting info and retaining knowledge through spaced repetition. The key to this method is to keep every element brief in order to navigate what is important information and what is not.
What to do with a dataset? Solve a problem. For example, if you’re learning static knowledge like monarchs in the 13th century, create relevant problems that can be solved with a spreadsheet of kings and queens. Likely, you may want to identify death patterns, major event triggers, or explore historical conspiracies. Turn your learning into a quest for some kind of answer or many answers that haven’t been thoroughly explored yet. In short, make it fun.
Also, if you have any programming skill, you can get VERY creative with static knowledge.

Using Notion To Organize Task Hierarchy

I'm exploring a task hierarchy system that automatically stacks prerequisites or subtasks. However, I want it to not automatically sort tasks I've already written but to also give me suggested task-type prompts. It's still a work in process but the basic structure is inspired by a hierarchical task network (HTN) planning. Tasks are filed into the following positions:
  • An initial state; or set of conditions to achieve ⤵
  • Goal state or overall achievement
  • A set of actions. For each action, the following are included:
    • preconditions (what must be established before the action is performed);
    • postconditions (what is established after the action is performed).

My notes on the matter → still a work in process

  • Method Build Goal (or House)
    • Precondition Aquire Knowledge (or Own Land), Practice Skills (or Have Money)
    • Effect Goal Complete (or House Built)
    • Applicability Goal (or Small Cottage Home)
      • ExpandS1: Build Foundation
      • S2: Build-Frame
      • S3: Build-Roof
      • S4: Build-Walls
      • S5: Build-Interior
    • S6: Decorate
    • OrderS1<S2, S2<S3, S2<S4, S3<S5, S5<S6
      • LinkS1 causal (foundations laid) for S2
      • S2 causal (frame erected) for S3 and S4
      • S3 causal (roof built) for S5
      • S4 causal (walls built) for S5
    • S5 causal (interior done) for S6

My Mood This Week

I'm planning to track my mood through the entire year in order to better understand what is making my poor days poor and what I need to do to fix them - hence, the "cause" property.
  • Negative (3/7)
  • Positive (4/7)

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