Example Pages and Databases
These databases and pages are what we are going to connect to a global tags database. If you want to use this page exclusively for all your global tags, move each page to the side bar (
drag page block to sidebar
) or collect the pages in a new home page (/page
). Step-by-step guide (Follow along on YouTube)
Part 1: Getting Started
- Open block menu: type “/“
- Give icons to new databases in order to identify them easier
- Remove comment section in Notion pages: page menu “…” + top-level discussions + “off”
- Multi-Select database property: see multiple dropdown options
- Select database property: see one dropdown option at a time
- Organize databases with database views
- Adding filters to database views will allow new pages to inherit those filters.
- Duplicate database views to duplicate layout, filters, sorts, etc. for quick editing.
Create a
database called “Global Tags”Create a
property with 5 options:- Areas
- Months
- Ratings
- Glossary
- Places
Create 5 database views, and create a
for each database view that corresponds with each Select
option.Part 2: Areas
- Convert an existing database property into another type: select name of property + change type
- Relation properties connect one database to another
- Create a relation backlink via the relation configuration box: toggle on “Show on connected database”
- You can add more than one relation inside a database
- To duplicate cells in the same column: highlight cell + drag down via lower right hand corner of cell
- If you edit or replace a property inside the body of a single page, the changes will apply to all pages in the database.
- To hide properties in pages: select property name + “hide property” + “always hide”
- Add new database template either in the body of any empty page or next to the “New” button in any view of the database
- Create an embed to an existing database with the “linked database” feature.
- Go to “Properties” in the database menu to show and hide properties shown in a database view.
- In a template, to see all relations relevant to a new “area” page inside a linked database: create a filter + select relation + select the name of the template (first option in list). Now, upon selecting this template in the future, this filter will inherit the name of the new page instead of the template.
- You can view multiple databases in one linked database. In other words you can embed more than one database in separate views.
- Automatically apply a template to all pages in a particular view: select down arrow next to the “New” button + “select …” next to desired template + Set as default + “Only on “ “ view”
Create 4 pages under
- Work
- Personal
- Side-Hustle
- School
Convert the
property called “Area” in Notebook to a Reletion
property connected to the Global Tags
database.Convert the
property called “Area” in Tasks to a Reletion
property connected to the Global Tags
database.Convert the
property called “Area” in Contacts to a Reletion
property connected to the Global Tags
database.Create an
template inside the Global Tags
database.- Hide all
properties insideGlobal Tags
- Create a new
called “New Area”
- Create a
Linked Database
in the body of the template page connected to:
- Create a
in eachDatabase View
to the template name (”New Area”).
Part 3: Months
- Inside the body of a database page, two buttons at the top left corner allow for easy navigation: next page (ctr+shft+J) previous page (ctr+shft+K)
- In addition to selecting an existing page, create new pages inside a connected database via a relation.
- Via a relation, quickly navigate to a connected database to edit newly created links.
- Creating a new database inside the body of a page template will duplicate a brand new database in each page.
- Convert a database page into an inline database: select block menu + “Turn into inline”
- Show checkboxes inside gallery views for a minimal daily habits design.
Create two pages inside the
Global Tags
database under Months
- January 2023
- February 2023
Add a new
property in Projects that creates a connection to the Global Tags
database called “Month.”Add a new
property in Blog Calendar that creates a connection to the Global Tags
database called “Month.”Create a
template inside the Global Tags
database.- Hide all new
properties insideGlobal Tags
- Create a new
called “New Month”
- Create a
Linked Database
in the body of the template page connected to:
- Create a
in eachDatabase View
to the template name (”New Area”).
Duplicate page below and add to the
New Month
template.Part 4: Ratings
- Add a number before a star ratings pages (3 ★★★) to easily search for ratings inside a cell.
- If a group of pages have the same icon, add that icon inside a template to save time.
- An alternative way to hide an inline database title: select the “…” next to the title + “Hide database title”
Create 5 pages under the
database view- ★
- ★★
- ★★★
- ★★★★
- ★★★★★
Convert the
property called “Score” in Media List to a Reletion
property connected to the Global Tags
database.Convert the
property called “Popularity” in Blog Calendar to a Reletion
property connected to the Global Tags
database.Create a
template inside the Global Tags
database.- Hide all
properties insideGlobal Tags
- Create a new
called “New Rating”
- Create a
Linked Database
in the body of the template page connected to:
- Create a
in eachDatabase View
to the template name (”New Rating”).
Part 5: Glossary
- You can also connect databases via inline links instead of relations.
- If you are adding icons to inline links, “light gray” icons will allow for the link text to be easier to read.
- If you have Notion AI, add an AI summary block inside a template to quickly generate summaries from new page titles. (Great for knowledge management)
- Create a new inline link: @ …
- Configure how to see backlinks in Notion pages: page menu “…” + backlinks + “popover,” “expanded,” or “off”
Create a
template inside the Global Tags
database.- Create a template called “New Glossary Entry.”
- Add a callout with an AI block for Summarizing a page.
Go to Notebook and add inline links to the
New Glossary Entry
template.Part 6: Places
You can create multiple relations to a single database, however, you may want to rename the backlinks for context.
Relations can be grouped via the grouping feature found in the database menu.
Inside group toggles, links are clickable
If you have Notion AI, add an AI content block inside a template to quickly generate AI prompts for a new page.
Database views are moveable: click + drag to change order
Add a new
property in Travel Planner called “City” that creates a connection to the Global Tags
database.- San Fransisco, California, USA
- New York City, New York, USA
Convert the
property called “Location” in Contacts to a Reletion
property connected to the Global Tags
database.Create a
template inside the Global Tags
database.- Hide all
properties insideGlobal Tags
- Create a new
called “New Place”
- Add a callout with an AI block for a content block with this prompt
a. Summarize the place in the page title, then describe the average weather there.
- Create a
Linked Database
in the body of the template page connected to:
- Create a
in eachDatabase View
to the template name (”New Place”).